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The term “spiritual tools,”  is mentioned on Page 25 of the book Alcoholics Anonymous. They  are so, so, very important. These are the things that keep us sober, for it is by daily doing spiritual actions or by daily picking up the spiritual tools of AA that we remain sober.

When I arrived in AA, I had no idea that it was a spiritual programme of action, or even that the word God would be used.

I had also never heard of the expression “spiritual tools.” It seemed a strange concept. I now realise that there are “spiritual tools,” and that it is essential for my sobriety for me to put them into use each day.

This is all mentioned in the Big Book, where it says on Page 85, “It is easy to let up on the spiritual programme of action and rest on our laurels. We are headed for trouble if we do, for alcohol is a subtle foe. We are not cured of alcoholism. What we really have is a daily reprieve contingent on the maintenance of our spiritual condition.”

This means that to remain sober, we have to do spiritual things daily to maintain our spiritual condition and hence our sobriety.

When I first heard this and started doing them, I thought it a bit strange, but I saw that they worked in others, and I am very grateful to say it works for me, and countless others.

I now love doing spiritual actions, for by doing them, not only do I maintain my sobriety, but they also encourage me to do service, to help newcomers, and to give away this gift, a gift that I have been so freely given.

Regarding the term “spiritual tools,” the full quote from Page 25 of the Big Book is, “When, therefore, we were approached by those in whom the problem had been solved, there was nothing left for us but to pick up the simple kit of SPIRITUAL TOOLS laid at our feet.”

Since my first day, I have always got on my knees, night and morning, to connect with a Higher Power or a God of my own concept or understanding.

Each morning I ask my Higher Power to keep me sober that day, all so that I can be of help to others. Then again at night, I get on my knees, and thank that same power for keeping me sober that day.

This getting on our knees, is a very, very important spiritual tool. It allows us to humbly connect with a Higher Power or God of our own concept, and allows us to express gratitude to that same concept of  God or Higher Power for keeping us sober each day.

When I met my sponsor, he gave me other spiritual suggestions or tools to do each day.

These are shown below. I and many. many others, do them each day. Please feel free to give them a go.



We find that doing the following actions, maintains our daily spiritual condition, keeping us sober, giving us good days, in other words, we’re sober, ‘happy, joyous and free.’


Each morning, pray, talk, or chat on your knees to a Higher Power or God of your own understanding or concept (Page 12 of the Big Book). Ask for a sober day, all so you can be of help to other alcoholics, (Page 13 of the Big Book)and then be in a position to help your family, friends and society. Each night, again on your knees, thank your Higher Power for keeping you sober that day.


Each morning read the JUST FOR TODAY card, a great set of ideals to aim for. At night, write a gratitude list, that is a list of things you are grateful for, thanking your Higher power for  them. Some people do this in the morning, and even add to it during the day.


Phone your sponsor daily and do what is agreed. If anything is unclear or if you have any problems, this is a chance to discuss or unburden them. The sponsor isn’t the Higher power, but he/she passes on the spiritual programme of recovery, and by doing the steps, we develop our own relationship to it.


Each day, read at least a page from the Big Book, more if you can. This will help your recovery; it will also help you to understand the real problem and allow you to see the great life on offer. Each day read the relevant daily page from the AA book ‘Reflections’. It’s another great read.



Aim to do some service to help AA grow and glow each day. (phoning newcomers is a way of doing this.) Commit to two weekly meetings, these are called ‘home groups.’ At these pitch in and be helpful. Aim at these to get service commitments. At other meetings always see if you can be of help, ask if necessary, and always be looking to help the newcomer.


Each day phone at least two newcomers. (That is someone newer than you.)


Pray for him or her. For example ‘Please God bless XXX and let him or her have health, prosperity and happiness’, or Please God, give me the tolerance, and patience I would gratefully grant a sick friend.,’ or ‘Please God give XXX everything I would wish for myself.’ (Page 552 of the Big Book gives great advice on how to deal with resentments, or how to pray for others.)



We found these suggestions worked for us. Why not give them a go? However, if you don’t like them or don’t want to do them, just ignore the above and this website, and move on. Either way you will be in our prayers, as we pray that AA does happily and healthily spiritually grow and glow.




Author: aahealing