Welcome to this site put together to help anyone interested in Alcoholics Anonymous, particularly ‘newcomers,’ that is people coming to AA for the first time. It’s aim is to help them find and enjoy the beautiful free sober spiritual gift, available in AA, by working it’s simple twelve-step spiritual programme of recovery.

The AA steps, the wonderful 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.
The precise healing process that allows people not only to achieve sobriety, but to be serene, happy, joyous and free. This section looks at each of the steps, using extensive quotes from the book Alcoholics Anonymous, the super book that has changed mine, and many, many other lives.

This part of the site looks at the wonderful book Alcoholics Anonymous, otherwise known as the Big Book, and the beautiful spiritual message of recovery it contains. I have taken each of the chapters, and then written poems about them. I pray you enjoy them, and that they bring only happiness and help to the reader. God willing, they reflect the joy, happiness, freedom, spirituality and health, that has come into my life through AA, and by going through the steps, with the guidance of a fantastic sponsor.